Grazie ad anni di impegno e collaborazioni internazionali, IWPA riceve ogni anno benefici da riversare sui propri associati. Per informazioni dettagliate sugli Eventi in calendario, potete scrivere a , cerchiamo di aggiiornare gli eventi abbastanza regolarmente, seguiteci anche sui canali socials
Thanks to special agreements and co-perations built during the years, IWPA members can get benefit of special facilitations to attend events or conferences all over the world. This page will be updated regularly and more information will be forwarded upon request. If you are interested in any of the Event listed, please get in touch.
November 2018 - for international and italian Members
November 2018 - for Italian Members
BOLOGNA 13-14 November 2018
Are you working on destination weddings to Italy?
Apply here for VIP Buyer's lounge
Italian planners IWPA Members wanting to attend to meet our international VIP Buyers, or attend the conferences, benefits of a discount. Please email to
1 & 2 December 2018 for international and italian Members
Guanghzou B2B Mission 2018- China
IWPA will showcase and promote Destination Weddings during an interesting B2B meeting with Travel Agents and Destination wedding Planners based in China. All members interested in breaking into chinese market are welcomed to submit their products/catalouge/promotions
a small registration fee is required
for information
November 2018 - for italian Members
BASTIA UMBRA 16-17-18 November 2018
XXV edizione di Umbria Sposi, il prestigioso evento dedicato al Matrimonio, quest'anno si arricchisce con tante novità.
Per partecipare come espositori, per partecipare all'esclusivo B2B e/o al Workshop potete visionare opzioni e costi sul link seguente della manifestazione Umbria Sposi 2018
Momenti Importanti - Match&Work 16 novembre Match tra Buyers internazionali e Aziende presenti 17 novembre Workshop Luxury Destination Wedding a cura di Roberta Torresan
Sconto riservato ai members 10%
Ottobre 2019 - for Italian Members
Evento sul Lusso Italiano patrociniato da ENIT, ICE, CCIA di Salerno, Buy Wedding, Patrimonio Italiano a cura di IWPA e IWPA India
La manifestazione, si prefigge lo scopo di promuovere sul mercato indiano prodotti esclusivi e di nicchia e strutture ricettive di lusso adatte alle necessità del Big Fat Indian Wedding
per info sulla partecipazione inviare mail a
Sconto IWPA members 10%
November 2018 for international and italian Members
Luxeurope Travel and Wedding Show is and Exclusive B2B Event for International and National Luxury Service Providers who wish to promote their services to a very selected group of High End Buyers specialized in Luxury Events. The event focus on targeted business meetings within one day to maximise your time.
IWPA Members wanting to promote their services at the Event, will benefit of a discount. For information please write to
March 2019 for international Members